15:50 pm


Mother and daughter benefit from the latest advancements available to them at the time

By Kelly Wooley

1980年,帕蒂·威尔逊(Patti Wilson)怀有女儿梅兰妮(Melanie)时,医疗保健和技术看起来与今天有很大不同。

Routine sonograms did not exist and there was no way for expectant mothers to know whether anything was wrong with their baby until the child was born. Up until labor, Patti’s pregnancy had been text book and no one had any reason to suspect anything was wrong with Melanie.





Melanie was a year old when she had her first open heart surgery at Cook Children’s. The procedure was called the Rastelli procedure and the surgeon performing the surgery had practiced under Giancarlo Rastelli himself before coming to Cook Children’s. Throughout her life, Melanie had additional surgeries at 3, 10, 16 and 27 years old. She also underwent multiple heart catheterizations and procedures.

多年来,库克儿童已经成为外之家,库克儿童心脏病学家理查德·雷丁(Richard Reading),医学博士,自8岁起就跟随梅兰妮(Melanie),感觉更像是一名家庭成员。

当被问及她的诊断如何影响她小时候的生活时,梅兰妮说这就是她所知道的。她了解了自己的诊断,因为随着时间的流逝,经历了大多数东西。在11岁时,另一位厨师儿童心脏病专家詹姆斯“ Hud” Allender,医学博士,她坐下来解释说,如果有紧急情况,她的妈妈可能并不总是与她同在,她必须知道并理解自己的诊断。正是在这一点上,梅兰妮(Melanie)真正了解了她在此之前一直在应付的一切。


But the story doesn’t end there.

Due to Melanie’s diagnosis, she was told that pregnancy would likely be too risky. Her doctors were unsure if her heart would be strong enough to carry a baby to term.

But, some things are left to fate and Melanie began to have vivid dreams that she was feeding twin girls that she knew had to be her own. She would wake up absolutely bewildered because she knew it wasn’t a possibility. Fast forward a few weeks and Melanie and her husband found out the shocking news that she was pregnant.


Having wanted to create a girl name from two men’s names, Melanie and her husband already had a plan when they found out 15 weeks into the pregnancy that they would have a baby girl. Rossleigh is named after her great grandfather, Ross, and her grandfather, David Lee.

Melanie’s pregnancy went smoothly physically, but it was incredibly draining emotionally. At the beginning, Melanie and her husband felt as if they were only receiving disheartening news. At week 18, the couple was informed that there was an issue with Rossleigh’s heart and the perinatologist could only see one kidney. Luckily, her second kidney would be detected on a later sonogram.

在第22周,在库克儿童教堂(Cook Children's)进行了胎儿回声,心脏病专家可以在梅兰妮(Melanie)内部诊断罗斯利(Rossleigh)的心脏缺陷。梅兰妮(Melanie)出生时,胎儿超声心动图并不存在。胎儿的回声使医生在子宫中仍能看到婴儿的心脏。医生可以做出诊断,并与外科团队合作,甚至在出生前就制定了治疗计划。这项技术为手术团队和家庭提供了时间的礼物。


罗斯利·克莱尔·杜威(Rossleigh Claire Dewey)于2012年9月26日出生,立即被转移到库克儿童的新生儿重症监护室。超声心动图将表明她的诊断实际上是对法洛和肺闭锁的四边形。出生后仅五天,医学博士的文森特·坦(Vincent Tam)是库克儿童医疗手术医学总监,他的心脏是Rossleigh的心脏。具有讽刺意味的是,她在梅兰妮(Melanie)最近的手术后留在了完全相同的手术恢复室中,在医院住了29天,此后一直没有进行程序。她可能最终需要在十几岁的时候需要另一个程序,但是现在,她像其他5岁的孩子一样过着生活。

The bond between a mother and daughter is always special and unique, but Melanie and Rossleigh’s bond is even more unique because of their shared experiences.

These days, because both Melanie and Rossleigh are still being followed by Dr. Readinger, they have annual mother-daughter cardiology appointments. Melanie said that while one is getting their echo, the other will hang out in the waiting room and vice versa. A unique mother-daughter experience that most don’t have to share but they make the best out of a tough situation.

The Dewey family is forever grateful to Dr. Readinger and the care and compassion that he has shown both Melanie and Rossleigh throughout their medical journey. Melanie bragged on his ability to appropriately explain and literally sketch out the most complicated situations to both generations of heart patients.

Even though nearing retirement age, Dr. Readinger wanted to be the one to treat Rossleigh so that he could be involved in both of their care. He has made a great impact on their lives and the family is forever thankful.


As we look back over Cook Children’s 100 year history, Melanie’s story is proof of not only how many medical advancements have been made but how things are literally changing each and every day. If Melanie was born 10 years earlier, the Rastelli procedure wouldn’t have existed and she would have died as an infant. However, if she was born 10 years later, she would have been able to undergo a newer procedure, at the time, called the Nikaidoh procedure where they could easily switch the two sides of the heart. It’s likely she would have needed just the one surgery rather than five. Plus, she would have had the added benefit of the experience of Dr. Tam and Hisashi Nikaidoh, M.D, who created the procedure, and have the largest combined experience of aortic translocations in North America.

These advancements are even more apparent with Rossleigh’s journey thus far.

所有这些医学进步均不在库克儿童的家园中被视为理所当然,我们知道没有您的帮助,我们无法取得这些进步。我们慷慨的捐助者和支持社区使我们能够帮助梅兰妮和罗斯利的生活充实,尽管他们的并发症很复杂。当您参加我们的100周年庆祝活动时,请记住我们真正在庆祝谁 - 梅兰妮(Melanie)和罗斯利(Rossleigh)等患者,也是您。感谢您成为我们100中的1人。




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